Sporties sent 7 volunteers to Cambodia to help disadvantaged children and families still suffering from the tragedies of the past. Sporties members and staff also collected two 40 foot containers of clothes and supplies for Cambodia. In November three staff visited Cambodia to offer what assistance they could. Their stories are below. Together they made an invaluable contribution, as Help to Help director Aron Power states “The
hard work that all the staff, members and the board have put into this facility is a truly remarkable feat in itself. Moorebank Sports Club has been a
great supporter of what we are trying to achieve in Cambodia. You have helped raise much needed funds and helped us this year to fill containers
full of much needed aid.”. We are proud to be able to offer this valuable assistance.
“On the first full day we traveled out to a place that was referred to as the ‘Tip Village’. Strange name until you get there. It’s hard for me to put how I felt in writing, but to put it simply… I just lost it. My brain was in overload. Everyone was aware that Cambodia is a poor country, and I had often read about people who live in the slums, but these people lived on a ‘tip’. Their house was a piece of plastic, held up by four posts to protect them from the rain. No bedrooms. No bathrooms. No toilets. No kitchen. No electricity. Just rubbish. . In the morning, the Help2Help team packed around 1000 food and clothing packs to be distributed to the needy in a small village. Everyone in the team thought that we would have more than enough for the community, but we couldn’t be more wrong. Word must have gotten out and instead of 1000 people turning up, almost double showed. I struggle to put words to the feelings that i felt that day, especially because I needed to help form a human shield to control the stampede of these poor, desperate people who just wanted something to eat. Our team reacted quickly to the increased number of people, outfits turned into single pieces of clothing hoping now everybody could go home with something, but still that was not enough. And from desperation, I then witnessed humanity in its finest form. Once it was realized that some people were going to walk away with nothing, those who had received a full outfit to take home, stopped and shared what they had with those had received nothing. Even now writing this, the memory still brings up so many emotions in my heart.
We helped and changed many lives, including my own. I have come back knowing the true value of life and realizing how fortunate we are to be born in this country. As I said previously, this was a life changing experience and I hope that after reading this, you may contact Help2Help to see how you can also be involved.”
Josh Greentree – Sporties Staff Member