RAMS Rugby League

In 1976 the Moorebank Rugby League Club was born, largely due to a dedicated group of people who formed and fielded our first team.

Over the last 43 years we have come a long way, from a tent to a fully equipped canteen, from training “all over the place” to our very own Hammondville Oval. From sitting on the grass to our own grandstand. From esky’s to our very own Ram Shack Bar. From 1 team to 25 teams.

​As rugby league and sport in general, move forward into the 21st Century, the Moorebank Rams Junior Rugby League Club is aware of the ongoing changes needed to continue growth, strive to stay competitive, as well as continue to be attractive to any potential player, sponsor or supporter. 

The club is based at Hammondville Oval, Hammondville next to the Moorebank Sports Club. Hammondville Oval provides the best facilities for our players with an International field for all grades to play on, and a training field on the back oval. Hammondville Oval is a far superior playing ground to any other grounds within the Canterbury competition. 

The Moorebank Rams Junior Rugby League Club is a place where friendships and memories are made that last forever.

All this is due to the dedication and hard work of thousands of people over the years. 

Something that has stayed the same since 1976 and always will, is we provide our community, our children, their parents and our friends with a tremendous social, family and sporting environment, where there’s always controversy and fun, a place where friendships and memories are made that last forever.


President – Mark Weller0422 392 288
Secretary – Kate Aziz0422 915 724
Website – https://moorebankrams.wixsite.com/mysite
Facebook – www.facebook.com/MoorebankRamsRLFC
Email –moorebankrams@yahoo.com.au