Sporties Gets Learning Links Into Hammondville PS
On Thursday 19 September, Sporties visited Hammondville Public School to present them with a ClubGRANTS cheque for $34,780. This funding will provide access to the Learning Links Psychology in Schools – Mental Health & Wellbeing Program. It will support up to 60 vulnerable students using evidence-based programs to address concerns such as anxiety, depression, low […]
Sporties Does Snacktember!
This month, Sporties has signed up for Snacktember which aims to ensure every Aussie kid has snacks. Over the past seven years, this wonderful organisation has been collecting snack donations from the community and passing them onto OzHarvest and neighbourhood aid groups across the country, to share with vulnerable families. As a result, the initiative […]
Care For A Walk… We Did It!
Last Sunday, close to 200 members of our community came together at Homestead Park in Chipping Norton for Care For A Walk, to raise money for the purchase of a van for Georges River Life Care. We were aiming for $15,000…. And WE DID IT! Thanks to the generosity of donors, partners, sponsors, volunteers, and walk […]
Thanking Our Neighbours
On Wednesday 4 September, we celebrated some wonderful members of our community with our fifth ‘Nominate A Neighbour’ morning tea. Nominate A Neighbour encourages people to share stories about the quiet achievers in their neighbourhood, those who make a real difference in the lives of others but rarely get the recognition they deserve. Each round, […]
$20K for Heroes With Ability
On Thursday 29 August, Sporties CEO Jeff Gibbs and the Community Partnerships team visited Heroes With Ability (HWA) at Nuwarra Public School, to present them with a ClubGRANTS cheque for $20,000. HWA is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes inclusive sporting opportunities for young people with physical and mental disabilities. This funding will allow HWA to […]
Wine A Little… Laugh A Lot
When we launched Lighthorse Kitchen at Sporties, the aim was to elevate the dining experience for our members and guests. To compliment the high-quality food on offer, we decided to reinvigorate our wine list to give patrons the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal complimented by a great drop. We set out to create a […]
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